miércoles, 10 de septiembre de 2008



The life is Beautiful was directed by Roberto Begnini. The main characters are Roberto Begnini as Guido, Nicoletta Braschi as Dora, Marissa Paredes as Dora’s mother and finally Giorgio Cantarini as Josue.

This film won a lot of awards, in noruega an Amanda awards, best foreign movie in 1999 the USA, Oscar awards four nomination for best director movie and original script in the same year 1999 and some other awards.

The story is based on the consequences of Second War World between 1939 and 1945. The story begins when guido mets a beautiful woman called Dora and he decides to call her “princess” she is a distinguished teacher of a fascist school.

In addition, she belongs to a bourgeois family, but guido has a problem, he is Jewish and in this epoch German people hated them, for this reason they were tortured with hard and difficult jobs.

The plot of the movie develops thanks to coincidences, imagination and good humor Guido has. This way, he convinces Dora and she makes a decision, because she feels identified with Guido, she gets married to Guido and they have a cute soon called Josue.

after a while, exactly the day of Josue's birthday, they arrive to a concentration camp by the German oppression, in this place Guido makes Josue believe that they are in a game and the principal prize is a big car, for that reason, they have to get a lot of points to win. Finally guido dies trying to find his wife and Josue is the happiest boy because he believes he won the prize.

The movie has been a success firstly in Italy and after in the world, because the movie speaks about the story of love and sadness that shows to the world a painful situation that a lot of people lived during the Nazism of the Second World War.

People comment that the title of the movie was the last words of the revolutionary Lion Trotsky, in his last text when he knew that he was going to die.

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