sábado, 16 de agosto de 2008


When I was fifteen years old my parents gave me a surprise. That day was December 21 ,my birthday, I thought that they were forgetting my birthday but I never imagine that it would be the most wonderful day of my life.

My parents decided to buy me a ticket to Cartagena and also invited my best friend laura, the best of all was that laura and I traveled alone.

When we arrive to the airport we began to enjoy because we meet some important soccer players of san Lorenzo, Argentina, in this moment we were the happiest girls.
A the time was passing in Cartagena, we couldn’t believe it. That weekend we lived in the police club in crespo near to the airport.

On Saturday morning we went to the beach and we took the sun. In the evening we lunch and walked for the antique city, san Felipe’s castle, old shoes, and some others . That night happened a terrible thing, when we arrive to the apartment we realized that my friend has forgotten the keys. That night we had to sleep outside but for that accident we have now good friends.

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