sábado, 8 de noviembre de 2008



During the humanity history the war has been a important factor for the solution of conflicts between nations.

This essay will talk about colombia’s case in the last century. The reasons, intentions and objetives that motivated the war.

Likewise, we will analize consequences, disadvantages, solutions and results by multiple problems that appeared in the war and nowadays they are affecting the country’s development.

I will start with the general war problems; firstly the pain’s family for the kidnapped persons ,besides the massacres, person’s disappearing, displaced peasants of his own lands and the violence, unemployment, poverty rising.

In this context a useful suggestion would be state improve the government policies and do not use the armed way, on the contrary they should think foment the humanitarian agreement and conciliation in a negotiation where participate the law's margin groups. another solution could be invest budget by increase education and do not buy guns because if the education are still more opportunities and progress possibilities. By doing this, the employment going up; dissent, delinquency, thefts going down; and the most important a democratic and participative culture.

Secondly, Colombia is the second country in the world with major figures of displacement after Sudan- Africa, according to a june 2007 report of the high commissioned office of the nations joined for the refugees( ACNUR) for this reason it’s neccesary that social action programme of republic presidency intervenes and helps in the well-being and needs of these persons. Equally public entities could made campaigns and massive marches for the state listens the displaced petitions. Therefore I believe in this way society would not be indifferent and could recognize the difficult conditions of life. The result of this would be obtain help national and international organizations that can solution the problem while the state assign again other lands.

Another important part in war is drug trafficking because the law's margin groups are a company with non profita organization and thanks of this business they have a lot of money by support the rows and does not have importance that fight's ideals have lost. i feel very strongly that measures should be taken are foment the demobilization and guarantee the minimal needs of subsistence, because for many of them the war is the exit to economic problems. The positive advantages are the consumption and sale of drugs specially in young people would be falling, the easy work would be ended and there would be more effort for obtains money.

The “parapolítica” phenomenon has increased notably in the last two years. In departments the persons votes are bought by the paramilitary obtains the election and have a "representative " in the power.

To my view the solutions are to create civil conscience, ethical, values, moral principles and punish the congressmembers who break the law with the definitive dismissal.

The effect would be the corruption decrease then honesty and clean policy that has the intention of disinterested service to the community.

Last but not least, actually are 40.000 war kids according to investigation in february 2008 of Natalia Springer. 42,16 percent belong to FARC, 45.25 percent ELN and 30 percent AUC.

I consider prevention policies are a good idea and attention to avoid the growth’s children in the middle of the war and the possibility that they return. also the education and parents formation

If the state intervenes, the protection of infancy is increased in the battlefield, furthemore these children could have an ideal development, suitable growth, tranquility, happiness, freedom, an the psychological traumas reduction.

The war in Colombia is a problem that has remained for years due to the fact that insurgents groups do not accept the state because they think there exist Injustice and inequality.

The president with the democratic safety implementation has managed the hostages liberation, in addition he give significant blows as the death of "Raul Reyes" an important chief , and several members. nevertheless there are still viable solutions that the government should take account to end with this scourge in which the Colombia's people are victims.

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